Sunday, August 4, 2013

Kids Were Crazy Today

Today was like any other day, nothing unusual, kids, mommy and daddy were happy despite of the financial hurdle we are facing these days. It is the last day of the weekend it's our grocery shopping day so off to Walmart we went. After getting back from that long hour at the grocery store, the baby fell asleep or was had fallen asleep in the car.

The first born however did not take a nap and I was wondering where did all her energy come from. She was kind of hyper today, I don't know why. After an hour of sleeping in the bed, the second one woke up and they played. But, they were strange today. Both of them were just jumping up and down, screaming and yelling, making noises too that tested my patience.

I am not a perfect mother, I am human and so I yelled at them, giving threats to the first born that if she's not going to calm down, I'll call dada so he can put her to time out, etc. It's just one of those days that I think my girls are crazy. But hey, I love them, I really do.

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