Friday, November 29, 2013

I Shouldn't be Guilty

I have been shopping online weeks back it is because there are deals that are hard to resist. In Victoria's Secret alone, I think I have shopped from them for five times this month alone simply because I want to grab as many secret rewards as I can. Then yesterday I spent at least nearly $200 for my girls tablets on Amazon, then today I went out to two stores but did not spend much though maybe $25 total but they are items worth having like vits. and some purses.

Earlier I checked out from two different online stores again but I shouldn't be guilty for doing all these. As the saying goes, "Shopping is cheaper than therapy" so be it! Lol. Anyway, I just have to worry the payments later, for now I should take advantage of the awesome deals that Black Friday offers!

How about you people, do you feel guilty too for shopping?

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