Thursday, July 8, 2010

She Needs Diet Pills

My classmate in caregiving class way back 2005 found me on friendster a couple of months ago. I wrote her how she was doing and instead of replying to my message, she wrote me back asking for an American guy that I could introduce to her in a demanding way. I was like, who the devil she think she is? She is even so out of shape and she has the courage to ask me for a man, a white man that is. To think that Westerners prefer skinny women than fat ones. She needs diet pills that work for her fat body before I could help her. I was so pissed when she demanded me asking for a guy for her. Some people just don't have the decency of finding the man they deserve for themselves, instead asked for it from someone who is not even close them. She is grossly obese in Filipino standard, therefore, she needs a miracle diet pill to help her get rid of the extra pounds she is carrying everyday.

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