Thursday, September 8, 2016

Buy Ilok 2

What is an ilok? If you are not into licenses or something like that, you will not have any idea what this is about. There are actually ilok 1 and ilok 2 just released. What this is is that, The iLok2 from Pace is smaller, stronger, customizable, and has a much higher capacity than the original making this portable software license solution better than ever before. You can buy it at ILok 2 is small enough that you can fit two of them side by side in adjacent USB ports, and the sturdier USB connector and solid body makes each one tough enough for constant usage. Best of all, thanks to the latest in technology, the smaller iLok can now hold over 500 software license authorization while allowing you to add a custom label under the protective sleeve so you know which iLok is which.

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